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Camino Verde Project Exceeds Targets for Indigenous Women’s Agricultural Enrollment
- Climate Change
- Women's Transformative Leadership
- Women’s Economic Justice
Camino Verde, a significant five-year project that successfully ran from March 2019 to October 2024, was launched in the predominantly Indigenous north-central region of Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, the most economically…
by Kim Pallozzi | December 20, 2024

Rana Plaza: Eleven years on, what has changed?
Women’s Economic Justice
Eleven years after the Rana Plaza catastrophe, Shamminaz Polen revisits the tragic day when over 1,100 garment workers lost their lives in one of the deadliest industrial accidents in history.…
by Shamminaz Polen | April 24, 2024

Does Canada’s Feminist Government Still Have Winds in its Sails?
Women’s Economic Justice
This year’s scorecard reveals a government that is still making strides on realizing feminist public policy in many areas but also falling short in serious ways. Five out of twelve…
by Ian Thomson | April 16, 2024

Transforming the Care Economy through Advocacy
Women’s Economic Justice
Get water. Make Breakfast. Laundry. Kids drop off. Check in on Louise-Anne next door. Shift at hospital. Grocery shopping. Kids pick up. Make supper, do dishes, make kids lunches. Bath.…
by Rebecca Boyce | March 8, 2024

Clean Technology Improves Farmers' Lives and Helps the Environment in Guatemala
- Climate Change
- Women’s Economic Justice
Setzi's agricultural drying centre is a game changer for the community's small-scale farmers, as it harnesses energy-efficient technology to overcome climate challenges.
by Elena Sosa Lerín | February 9, 2024

Oxfam's January Round-Up
- Brand
- Conflict and War
- Humanitarian Assistance
- Women's Transformative Leadership
- Women’s Economic Justice
Suspend Arms Transfers to Israel As we near four months into the current escalation in Gaza, we have continued to raise our voices calling for the UN General Assembly resolution…
by Oxfam Canada | January 30, 2024

Building Evidence for Policy Action on the Care Economy: Lessons from the #UNGA78 Side Event
- People
- Women’s Economic Justice
The care economy is a pivotal yet often undervalued sector in society, with unpaid care work playing a significant role in the well-being of individuals and communities.
by Oxfam Canada | October 19, 2023

Voices from the Crisis in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel
Women’s Economic Justice
Voices from the Crisis in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel Hear from Oxfam staff currently sheltering from ongoing airstrikes in the Gaza strip. by Caroline Leal | October 13,…
by Caroline Leal | October 13, 2023

No Way Out of Poverty
Women’s Economic Justice
No Way Out of Poverty A living wage is a fundamental human right. For Rya and thousands of female garment workers in Cambodia, it’s a fight. by Caroline Leal |…
by Caroline Leal | September 22, 2023

SDIR subcommittee Study on the Rights and Freedoms of Women Globally, and of Women in Afghanistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia
- Advocacy in Canada
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women’s Economic Justice
Oxfam Canada's testimony at the Parliamentary Subcommittee on International Human Rights on women's rights worldwide, including recommendations to the government of Canada on how to support women human rights defenders…
by Oxfam Canada | March 10, 2023

Why Supply Chain Legislation is a Feminist Issue for Canadian Fashion
- Advocacy in Canada
- Women’s Economic Justice
Five reasons we need a law that requires Canadian fashion brands to end human rights abuses in garment factories abroad.
by Dana Stefov | October 3, 2022

Do you know where your clothes come from? Learn how 5 of your favourite companies stack up
- Advocacy in Canada
- Women’s Economic Justice
Do you know where your clothes come from? Learn how Aritzia, Herschel Supply Co., Joe Fresh, lululemon and Roots stack up in terms of supply chain transparency.
by Nirvana Mujtaba and Dana Stefov | June 7, 2022

Do You Know the Women Who Made Your Clothes? Good Luck Finding Out!
- Brand
- Women’s Economic Justice
Most fashion brands don't publicly disclose where their clothes are made, and when they do, the information is incomplete or too vague. It's time to change that.
by Dana Stefov | April 24, 2022

Committed to Care at the Generation Equality Forum
- Feminist Aid
- Women's Transformative Leadership
- Women’s Economic Justice
Generation Equality Forum: A blueprint for gender equality “Human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights” – a key refrain from the Fourth United Nations World Conference…
by Amar Nijhawan, Amber Parks & Julie Thekkudan | July 20, 2021

Camino Verde: The Green Way
Women’s Economic Justice
Oxfam Canada, Oxfam in Guatemala and five local partner organizations are working together to develop sustainable, small-scale enterprises headed by Indigenous women and youth.
by Caroline Leal | May 19, 2021

Remembering the victims of the Rana Plaza disaster
- Advocacy in Canada
- Women’s Economic Justice
Building a safer, fairer and sustainable recovery for garment sector workers.
by Nirvana Mujtaba | April 27, 2021

Eight years on from the Rana Plaza tragedy
Women’s Economic Justice
The Rana Plaza collapse claimed the lives of more than a thousand garment workers and the women who make our clothes are still stuck in poverty
by Oxfam Canada | April 23, 2021

Millions of women domestic workers face further slide into poverty
- Emergency Response
- Women’s Economic Justice
As the world grapples with the economic fallout from COVID-19, women domestic workers are experiencing an even further slide into poverty.
by Oxfam Canada | January 19, 2021

‘There is no focus on domestic workers’: The invisible workforce in Bangladesh during COVID-19
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women’s Economic Justice
The life of a domestic worker in Dhaka city...
by Shamminaz Polen | Oxfam Canada | June 11, 2020

Coronavirus and the case for care: Envisioning a just, feminist future
- Advocacy in Canada
- Women’s Economic Justice
While many sectors have been scaled down or put on hold, we cannot similarly press ‘pause’ on the life-sustaining carework that is currently holding up our households, communities, care homes…
by Amber Parkes, Anam Parvez & Dana Stefov | May 7, 2020

5 ways Oxfam's Feminist Leadership is in Action
- Feminist Aid
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women’s Economic Justice
Find out the five ways Oxfam’s LAC Regional Women’s Rights and Gender Justice group are bringing feminist learning into the centre of our organization.
by Tamsin Smith | Oxfam | April 19, 2020

More than honey
- Feminist Aid
- Women’s Economic Justice
Five years ago Oxfam started a beekeeping project in Addise’s village, providing women with equipment and training to produce and sell honey. Addise seized the opportunity to take part
by Eleanor Farmer | December 19, 2019

Decent work for women calls for sexual and reproductive rights
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Women’s Economic Justice
Learn about the connection between women's economic empowerment and sexual and reproductive rights.
by Sarah Gammage and Dana Stefov | October 28, 2019

Skills training for economic empowerment in Jordan
- Refugees and Internal Displacement
- Women’s Economic Justice
Economic empowerment is fundamental to women's ability to move out and stay out of poverty. Meet two amazing women participating in Oxfam projects in Jordan that have supported their ability…
by Oxfam Canada | May 16, 2019

Strawberry Fields
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
- Women’s Economic Justice
Written by Julie Delahanty, Executive Director, Oxfam Canada Driving through Larache in Northern Morocco I was struck by the large-scale modern agricultural feel of the countryside. Travelling frequently throughout Asia…
by Oxfam Canada | March 8, 2017

For Us, With Us: Women’s Economic Empowerment Programs & Women’s Safety
- Conflict and War
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
- Women’s Economic Justice
By Bailey Reid, Women’s Rights Campaigner, Oxfam Canada Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) programs are popular among development interventions. They enhance the economic security of women and households by developing skills…
by alvaro | December 3, 2015

16 Days Stories - Oxfam Partners In Action
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
- Women’s Economic Justice
Worldwide violence against women and girls is a widespread human rights violation. Oxfam is part of a global movement challenging systems and beliefs that perpetuate violence against women and girls.…
by Oxfam | November 24, 2014