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Breaking the Silence on Gender-Based Violence: Why Canadians Should Care
Violence Against Women and Girls
In Canada, we observe the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, a global movement that calls on everyone to reflect on GBV’s pervasive nature and our shared responsibility to…
by Oxfam Canada | November 25, 2024

From Silence to Strength: How Feminist Research Tackles Gender-Based Violence Through Art
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
Learn how through visual art, Indian youth challenge gender norms and inequalities in their communities.
by Rotbah Nitia | February 10, 2024

How Artificial Intelligence Enriches Data to Reduce Gender-Based Violence in Jamaica
Violence Against Women and Girls
Learn why the WE-Talk project, an initiative from Oxfam Canada and WMW Jamaica, uses artificial intelligence (AI) to study how Jamaicans talk about gender-based violence online.
by Oxfam Canada | February 7, 2024

Oxfam Unwrapped: Not Your Everyday Gift Shop
- Brand
- Climate Change
- Hunger
- Natural Disasters
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Water
Looking for a gift-giving program that not only celebrates special moments but also empowers individuals and supports entire communities worldwide? Look no further than Oxfam Unwrapped: the incredible online store…
by Oxfam Canada | December 11, 2023

(Mis)Using Digital Technology to Silence Advocates of Reproductive Health and Rights
- Advocacy in Canada
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Violence Against Women and Girls
Fighting gender-based violence includes protecting the intersection between digital rights, the right to information, and sexual and reproductive rights.
by Elena Sosa Lerín | December 10, 2023

The Fight Against Gender-Based Violence Includes Supporting the Dignity of Sex Workers
- Advocacy in Canada
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Violence Against Women and Girls
What's at stake when a Winnipeg program that goes beyond conventional approaches to safeguard the dignity, safety, and well-being of sex workers is in danger of shutting down?
by Laurel Cassels | December 7, 2023

The Devastating Brunt of Conflict on Gaza's Women and Girls
- Conflict and War
- Emergency Response
- Humanitarian Assistance
- Refugees and Internal Displacement
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Water
Six detrimental ways women and girls in Gaza are particularly affected by the weight of conflict and displacement.
by Elena Sosa Lerín | November 25, 2023

Women Deliver 2023: Inspired by Youth to Push for Ambitious Action
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
Gain insights into this year's Women Deliver conference in Kigali, Rwanda, through the eyes of Erin Kiley, Oxfam Canada's director of international programs.
by Erin Kiley | July 28, 2023

Feminist Movements: Strengthening Democracy and Protecting Rights for All
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Violence Against Women and Girls
Feminist movements play a crucial role in improving sexual and reproductive health, including access to abortion.
by Lisa Gunn | June 23, 2023

SDIR subcommittee Study on the Rights and Freedoms of Women Globally, and of Women in Afghanistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia
- Advocacy in Canada
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women’s Economic Justice
Oxfam Canada's testimony at the Parliamentary Subcommittee on International Human Rights on women's rights worldwide, including recommendations to the government of Canada on how to support women human rights defenders…
by Oxfam Canada | March 10, 2023

SDG16: How Oxfam's Work with Civil Society Contributes to Just and Inclusive Societies
- Advocacy in Canada
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
How Oxfam's contributions to SDG 16 embrace inclusive dialogues and collaborations between civil society groups and institutional entities to achieve progress on the rest of the SDGs.
by Elena Sosa Lerín | February 6, 2023

Ukraine: After Six Months, the Impact of War Continues Devastating Lives
- Conflict and War
- Emergency Response
- Refugees and Internal Displacement
- Violence Against Women and Girls
The war has devastated Ukraine while people in the most vulnerable corners of the world continue feeling its catastrophic ripple effects.
by Oxfam | August 24, 2022

Six Women Creating Spaces for Gender Justice in Asia
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
Through the Creating Spaces project, these women champion female leadership to advance gender justice.
by Asma Siyala and Farwah Qasim | March 8, 2022

"Let me be the last survivor": Lessons from six years of action to end violence against women and girls in Asia
- Feminist Aid
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
How communities in east and south Asia tackled gender-based violence and changed laws and social norms to protect women and girls.
by Megan Lowthers | December 6, 2021

I’m in the Right Place with Oxfam
- Emergency Response
- Violence Against Women and Girls
Karen Sander, the Chair of the Board of Oxfam Canada, traveled to Bangladesh with senior and program staff from Oxfam. This is her story.
by Karen Sander | December 2, 2021

Open Letter to Ministers Bennett and Miller on Solidarity with the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc People
- Advocacy in Canada
- Conflict and War
- Violence Against Women and Girls
This open letter to Ministers Carolyn Bennett and Marc Miller expresses solidarity with Indigenous people in Canada in the face of ongoing genocide.
by A coalition of gender justice organizations | June 9, 2021

Finding the Path to Voice, Choice and Agency
Violence Against Women and Girls
Noor, 18, shares her story of walking away from domestic violence in Pakistan, which has been labelled an endemic social and public health problem with more than 24 per cent…
by Oxfam Canada | May 7, 2021

‘There is no focus on domestic workers’: The invisible workforce in Bangladesh during COVID-19
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women’s Economic Justice
The life of a domestic worker in Dhaka city...
by Shamminaz Polen | Oxfam Canada | June 11, 2020

5 ways Oxfam's Feminist Leadership is in Action
- Feminist Aid
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women’s Economic Justice
Find out the five ways Oxfam’s LAC Regional Women’s Rights and Gender Justice group are bringing feminist learning into the centre of our organization.
by Tamsin Smith | Oxfam | April 19, 2020

Young and inspiring women's rights activists in Mozambique: Taking action on sexual and reproductive health and rights
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Violence Against Women and Girls
These inspiring young SRHR activists are raising the equality bar for women in Mozambique.
by Paula Baker | March 8, 2020

Too young to marry
Violence Against Women and Girls
When Fatima woke up three days into the new year, she had no idea the day would end with her becoming tied for the rest of her life to a…
by Mena Cepeda | September 18, 2019

71 million people displaced in 2018 due to conflict: 'We did not choose to become refugees'
- Advocacy in Canada
- Conflict and War
- Emergency Response
- Refugees and Internal Displacement
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Violence Against Women and Girls
After an alarming UN report saying a record-breaking 71 million people have been displaced by war in 2018, Susan Grace Duku, founder of Refugee Women and Youth Aid in Uganda,…
by Susan Grace Duku | Founder of Refugee Women and Youth Aid | June 20, 2019

Using Forum Theatre to engage communities in ending violence against women and girls
Violence Against Women and Girls
Forum Theatre is an innovative tool to help change the social norms and cultural practices that fuel inequality. It is a dynamic and successful component of Oxfam’s Creating Spaces project…
by Oxfam Canada | May 15, 2019

Protecting the people we serve
- Advocacy in Canada
- Violence Against Women and Girls
There is no greater responsibility than to ensure the safety and dignity of the people we serve. The critical mistakes that were made in Haiti in 2011 have pushed us…
by Julie Delahanty | November 15, 2018

A voice from the field: Oxfam's donor Eric Gould shares his personal experience from Nepal
Violence Against Women and Girls
Written by Eric Gould. Eric is a Canadian currently on the ground in Nepal. He is a donor and a strong supporter of Oxfam’s work. My name is Eric Gould.…
by Eric Gould | November 1, 2018

How the humanitarian sector is taking action after its #MeToo moment
Violence Against Women and Girls
This year has proven to be a reckoning on women’s rights around the world and the humanitarian and development sector is no exception. In recent months shocking stories of abuse…
by alvaro | September 21, 2018

Creating space to tackle violence against women and child marriage in Bangladesh
- Natural Disasters
- Violence Against Women and Girls
“Who here was married before they were ready?” Every single woman raises her hand. The women tell us what it was like to be married at a young age, and…
by Karoline Kemp | July 9, 2018

Executive Director Julie Delahanty addresses the 2011 staff sexual misconduct in Haiti
Violence Against Women and Girls
I want to address a distressing story you may see in the news describing acts of sexual misconduct carried out by Oxfam UK staff working in Haiti in 2011. At…
by Julie Delahanty | February 12, 2018

Turning #MeToo Into A Meaningful Global Phenomenon
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
The #MeToo campaign is empowering survivors across the globe to share their stories. Sexual abuse and violence against women are more pervasive than we ever thought – whether in the…
by Hammad | February 8, 2018

SEE ME: The perilous flight of a Rohingya refugee
- Refugees and Internal Displacement
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
Since August 25, over 600,000 Rohingya refugees have crossed over into Bangladesh’s southeastern districts. More than half are women, and 60 percent of these are girls under 18. They have faced…
by alvaro | December 6, 2017

The Girl Child is Resilient, Strong and Unstoppable
- Advocacy in Canada
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
“Do not get married if you are a child, because you do not yet understand about the household. “ These are the words of Putri (15) who, married at 13,…
by alvaro | October 11, 2017

Protection of women and girls: a bright idea
- Emergency Response
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
Sometimes we harm the people we try to help. As humanitarians we deliver life-saving assistance to people who need it, but sometimes, the way we provide that assistance can inadvertently…
by Hammad | August 18, 2017

Hope and resilience: Sylvie’s life in Buporo refugee camp
- Emergency Response
- Hunger
- Refugees and Internal Displacement
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Water
When Sylvie’s husband died of disease in Buporo refugee camp, it was not only heartbreaking for this young mother and her four children. It was also terrifying. Sylvie’s days became…
by Oxfam Canada | June 19, 2017

Strawberry Fields
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
- Women’s Economic Justice
Written by Julie Delahanty, Executive Director, Oxfam Canada Driving through Larache in Northern Morocco I was struck by the large-scale modern agricultural feel of the countryside. Travelling frequently throughout Asia…
by Oxfam Canada | March 8, 2017

What we really really want is an end to violence against women
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
Written by Julie Delahanty, Executive Director of Oxfam Canada. First published in The Hill Times on July 27, 2016. To mark its 20th anniversary, artists from India to Nigeria revamped…
by Hammad | August 11, 2016

Ghomeshi Trial Shows That Violence Against Women Knows No Borders
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
by Julie Delahanty,Executive Director of Oxfam Canada We'll leave it to the courts to decide the fate of former CBC broadcaster Jian Ghomeshi, whose trial on five counts of sexual…
by alvaro | February 1, 2016

Beyond the Nine-to-Five: A world where women are valued
- Advocacy in Canada
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
On October 19th, 2015, Canadians told the world they were ready for something different. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was elected on the promise of action on climate change, a valued…
by alvaro | December 9, 2015

Ending Gender-Based Violence in Humanitarian Settings: Let’s Make it Happen
- Advocacy in Canada
- Conflict and War
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
By Julie Lafrenière, Women’s Rights Specialist at Oxfam Canada. In South Sudan, domestic violence is widespread and largely tolerated. In the all-too-common words of two young women from Warrap State:…
by alvaro | December 3, 2015

For Us, With Us: Women’s Economic Empowerment Programs & Women’s Safety
- Conflict and War
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
- Women’s Economic Justice
By Bailey Reid, Women’s Rights Campaigner, Oxfam Canada Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) programs are popular among development interventions. They enhance the economic security of women and households by developing skills…
by alvaro | December 3, 2015

Happy Eid – from Yemen
- Advocacy in Canada
- Conflict and War
- Emergency Response
- Hunger
- Violence Against Women and Girls
Eid is upon us. But it doesn’t feel like Eid. Fighting in Yemen has not ceased throughout the month of Ramadan – in fact it intensified. The upcoming holiday is…
by alvaro | July 16, 2015

Yemen: Women get on their bikes for their rights
- Advocacy in Canada
- Conflict and War
- Emergency Response
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
Amidst bombings and shortages in fuel, food and vital supplies, a group of Yemeni women came together for an unconventional demonstration against the war… and the lack of women’s rights.…
by alvaro | July 6, 2015

Fostering gender equality in emergencies
- Emergency Response
- Natural Disasters
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
Written by Sarah Rooney, Oxfam Canada’s intern and 3rd year law student at University of Ottawa. As we see the poignant images coming out of Nepal’s catastrophic earthquake, it’s important…
by alvaro | May 1, 2015

Gender-based violence knows no borders
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
From Nigeria to Canada to the UK gender-based violenceknows no borders Blog by: Chioma Akuabia Ukwuagu Programme Officer, Female Leadership/Gender Justice and Good Governance, Genevieve Gauthier Gender Justice Programme Officer,…
by alvaro | December 9, 2014

16 Days Stories - Oxfam Partners In Action
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
- Women’s Economic Justice
Worldwide violence against women and girls is a widespread human rights violation. Oxfam is part of a global movement challenging systems and beliefs that perpetuate violence against women and girls.…
by Oxfam | November 24, 2014

Ending violence against women and girls—in times of conflict and peace
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
by Lauren Ravon and Lise Martin Last week the international community was shocked when two little girls in India looking for a safe place to go to the toilet were…
by alvaro | June 12, 2014

Raising Her Voice: Feminism around the world
- Advocacy in Canada
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
by Emily Brown, Oxfam Great Britain Yesterday I shared with you a new animation on women’s political voice – and today, to inspire you, I would like to share with…
by alvaro | June 12, 2014

Raising her voice: making women’s invisibility, visible
- Advocacy in Canada
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
by Emily Brown, Oxfam Great Britain Have you ever felt like no one is listening to you? Do you think it’s fair? No, Oxfam doesn’t either… And that’s why Raising Her…
by alvaro | June 11, 2014

Breaking free of gender-based violence
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
photo: Oxfam America by Coco McCabe, Oxfam America Yadira Leticia Tziná Mendoza explains why she’s taking on a taboo and helping other women realize their rights. If Yadira Leticia Tziná…
by alvaro | April 16, 2014

Rape Crisis Peer Educators: Leading change and changing attitudes
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Violence Against Women and Girls
Shy at first, the twenty or so teenage girls and boys sitting around the table eventually opened up. They came together to discuss rape in their communities, and to share…
by alvaro | March 26, 2014

Oxfam Partners Speaking Up for Women’s Rights
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
by Melanie Gallant Violence against women and girls is an attack on human rights – it ruins lives and impoverishes communities. It is present in all nations – rich and…
by alvaro | December 11, 2013

Statement on International Human Rights Day
- Advocacy in Canada
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
Statement by Robert Fox, Oxfam Canada Executive Director In South Africa, every six hours a woman is killed by her partner. In Guatemala, two women are murdered on average daily.…
by alvaro | December 10, 2013

From shadow into light: Tackling gender violence through photography
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
As part of the international campaign “16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence,” Oxfam in Mali, Wildaf – a local partner – and International Medical Corps launched an exhibition in Bamako, Gao…
by alvaro | December 4, 2013

Closing the Gap on Gender: Is India up for the challenge?
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
By Julie Thekkudan, Gender Justice – Lead Specialist, Oxfam India India is a land of many contrasts where goddesses are revered for their strength and invincibility yet violence against women…
by alvaro | November 5, 2013

The Power of People against Poverty - Oxfam Canada’s National CHANGE Summit
- Advocacy in Canada
- Hunger
- Violence Against Women and Girls
This week has been action-packed for Oxfam Canada! In addition to preparing the ground work for this weekend’s Gender Justice Summit, Oxfam, campus and youth leaders have been participating in…
by alvaro | September 20, 2013
Cape Town’s Triangle Project Defends Rights of Women
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
When Funeka Soldaat went to the police after being raped, they beat her and put her in the back of the police car. “They threw me so hard into the…
by alvaro | August 12, 2013
Horizonte Azul: A Brighter Future for Impoverished Youth in Maputo
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
by Melanie Gallant Maxaquene is an impoverished neighborhood on the outskirts of Maputo, the capital of Mozambique. The unpaved and pot-holed streets are filled with mud-brick houses, chickens, and…
by alvaro | August 8, 2013
The power of You behind the brands
- Advocacy in Canada
- Hunger
- Violence Against Women and Girls
by Victoria Marzilli Two months. That is all it took for chocolate lovers and social justice activists to stand up to three of the biggest food companies in the…
by alvaro | June 25, 2013
On Mother's Day
- Advocacy in Canada
- Violence Against Women and Girls
by Shawna Wakefield On mother’s day, instead of valorizing moms with well-intended, but often artificial appreciation for the vast amounts of unpaid labor that women do every day, I…
by alvaro | May 14, 2013
Deeper issues in violence against women
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
by Nidhi Tandon The first and greatest violence is the systematic exclusion of people – a great number of people – by society. From this violence other violence directly and indirectly flows. Where you exclude, you must establish instruments…
by alvaro | March 7, 2013
Go behind the brands you buy
- Advocacy in Canada
- Emergency Response
- Violence Against Women and Girls
What do Toblerone and Tropicana have in common? The same as Coca-Cola, Cheerios and Cadbury’s and Oreos, Pringles and Pop Tarts. They’re all made by the “Big 10” food…
by alvaro | February 26, 2013
Making CHANGE: Summits focus on Gender Justice
- Advocacy in Canada
- Violence Against Women and Girls
- Women's Transformative Leadership
First question: How does Oxfam take the potential for gender-based violence into account when planning cash distributions to women in emergencies? Second question: What is the global South? Over…
by alvaro | February 4, 2013