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Women's Voice and Leadership-Guatemala Impact
Education Resource
Learn more about the impact of Oxfam Canada's project Women's Voice and Leadership in Guatemala.
by Oxfam Canada | June 26, 2024

Women's Voice and Leadership-Pakistan Impact
- Education Resource
- Evaluations
- Factsheet
- Feminist MEAL
- Video
Learn more about the impact of Oxfam Canada's project Women's Voice and Leadership in Pakistan.
by Oxfam Canada | December 12, 2023

What She Makes: Rana Plaza Graphic Novel
Education Resource
With great sensitivity, François Simard transports us to the heart of the tragic events of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in this graphic novel examining issues of responsibility and solidarity,…
by Oxfam Canada | April 20, 2023

Inspiring Change
- Education Resource
- Policy Brief
- Report
Oxfam Canada’s new guide to gender-based analysis plus in impact assessment in Canada is a road map to support activists and community members of all genders and identities in navigating…
by Oxfam Canada | April 13, 2023

Sexual Health and Empowerment (SHE) Impact
- Education Resource
- Evaluations
- Factsheet
- Feminist MEAL
Learn more about the progress and impact of Oxfam Canada's Sexual Health and Empowerment project.
by Oxfam Canada | December 19, 2022

Her Future, Her Choice (HFHC) Impact
- Education Resource
- Factsheet
- Feminist MEAL
Her Future, Her Choice works on advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights in Malawi, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Zambia and Canada.
by Oxfam Canada | December 19, 2022

What She Makes: Stuff Companies Say
Education Resource
Learn how to reply to fashion companies when they tell you about where their clothes are made and what they pay garment workers.
by Oxfam Canada | July 25, 2022

Gender and Climate Toolkit
Education Resource
A toolkit offering insights into feminist approaches to climate justice toward an inclusive approach to climate advocacy.
by Oxfam Canada | October 27, 2021

Power Up Impact
- Education Resource
- Factsheet
- Feminist MEAL
Power Up was an important part of our women's transformative leadership work at Oxfam Canada. Learn how the program changed lives and norms in Indonesia.
by Oxfam Canada | March 29, 2021

Creating Spaces Impact
- Education Resource
- Factsheet
- Feminist MEAL
Creating Spaces was a project focused on ending violence against women and girls, including child, early and forced marriage. Learn more about its impact.
by Oxfam Canada | September 26, 2019

2019 Election Resources
Education Resource
Unequal power relations are the underlying driver of inequality, poverty and suffering. At Oxfam, we see elections as a crucial opportunity to engage on these issues.
by Oxfam Canada | September 11, 2019

Turning Feminist Promises Into Progress: 2019
Education Resource
Bold budget decisions are now needed in order to act on this evidence and make a real difference in the lives of women and girls.
by Oxfam Canada | March 5, 2019

Volunteer Solidarity Handbook
Education Resource
This handbook acts as a guiding tool for Oxfam advocates to better understand what solidarity is, why it’s important, and how to begin to act in solidarity within your local…
by Oxfam | October 16, 2018

From the Technical to the Transformational: Applying Feminist M.E.L. principles to SRHR programming
- Briefing Note
- Education Resource
SRHR programming can be transformational when the agency, autonomy, and choice of women and people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities and expressions are prioritized, including through monitoring, evaluation…
by Oxfam | June 12, 2018

A Feminist Approach to Localization: How Canada Can Support the Leadership of Women's Rights Actors in Humanitarian Action
- Education Resource
- Report
Local and national women‘s rights actors play an important role in humanitarian action. As established members of a community, they are well placed to deliver assistance quickly in a crisis…
by Oxfam Canada | June 12, 2018

Contract Disclosure Survey 2018
Education Resource
In most countries, subsoil oil, gas and mining resources are the property of citizens and are managed on their behalf by governments. The projects that contracts govern typically last longer…
by Oxfam Canada | May 3, 2018

Turning Feminist Promises Into Progress
Education Resource
Last year, Oxfam Canada launched its first Feminist Scorecard. With a bold feminist vision and elected on a promise of inclusive growth, our view was that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau…
by Oxfam Canada | March 7, 2018

Reward Work Not Wealth
Education Resource
Last year saw the biggest increase in billionaires in history, one more every two days. Billionaires saw their wealth increase by $762 billion in 12 months. This huge increase could…
by Oxfam Canada | January 21, 2018

Tackling Inequalities in the Global Economy: Making Canada's Foreign Policy Work for Women
- Education Resource
- Report
Gender inequality shapes and structures the economy from the local to the global level. It affects the jobs that women and men do, what is considered and valued as work,…
by Oxfam Canada | November 27, 2017

Tourism's Dirty Secret: the Exploitation of Hotel Housekeepers
- Education Resource
- Report
Worldwide, the stories are the same. In the Dominican Republic, 50-year-old hotel housekeeper Cristina cleans 16 rooms a day and tidies 90 more. It’s still not enough for a living…
by Oxfam Canada | October 13, 2017
There is enough food to feed the world
Education Resource
The world produces 17% more food per person today than 30 years ago. But close to a billion people go to sleep hungry every night. Want to help us start…
by Oxfam | September 5, 2017

On the Brink
- Briefing Note
- Education Resource
As famine takes hold in South Sudan and threatens to spread to northeastern Nigeria, Somalia, and Yemen, world leaders must immediately step up to fully fund the United Nations’ appeal…
by Oxfam Canada | May 24, 2017
Position Paper on Gender Justice and the Extractive Industries
Education Resource
There is a growing recognition that persistent structural gender inequality within extractive industries continues to undermine women's rights globally.
by Oxfam Canada | May 5, 2017

How climate change is helping fuel a massive hunger crisis in East Africa
Education Resource
Nearly 11 million people in Somalia, Ehtiopia and Kenya face terrifying food shortages. Learn more about climate change and how it is fueling a massive hunger crisis.
by Oxfam Canada | April 27, 2017

Rigged Reform: US companies dodging billions in taxes but proposed reforms will make things worse
Education Resource
The 50 biggest US companies, including global brands Pfizer, Goldman Sachs, GE, Chevron, Wal-Mart, and Apple, stashed $1.6 trillion offshore in 2015 – $200 billion more than the previous year…
by Oxfam Canada | April 12, 2017
Legislative Wins, Broken Promises: Gaps in Implementation of Laws on Violence against Women & Girls
Education Resource
This multi-country Oxfam research report examines the problem of implementation gaps in which governments fail to fulfill their legislative obligations to address violence against women and girls.
by Oxfam Canada | March 4, 2017
Time to Turn Feminist Words Into Action
Education Resource
Led by a feminist Prime Minister who campaigned on a promise of inclusive growth, Canada is well placed to become a global leader in tackling the twin struggles of gender…
by Oxfam Canada | March 4, 2017
Where There Is A Will, There Is A Way
Education Resource
Oxfam’s research shows that less than three percent of the Syrian refugee population have actually arrived in rich countries through resettlement programmes. By analysing resettlement policies and practices in eight…
by Oxfam Canada | December 15, 2016
Race to the Bottom: World's Worst Tax Havens Exposed
- Briefing Note
- Education Resource
Bermuda, the Netherlands, Ireland and Luxembourg are among the world’s 15 worst corporate tax havens, according to this new Oxfam report. ‘Tax Battles,’ reveals how these tax havens are leading…
by Oxfam Canada | December 12, 2016
Climate Finance Shadow Report 2016
- Education Resource
- Report
In the global push to tackle climate change, international climate finance is essential. Climate finance, both public and private, helps developing countries adapt to climate extremes and develop in a…
by Oxfam Canada | November 3, 2016
Challenges faced by women and girls must be front and center at Global Refugee and Migrant Summits
Education Resource
Women and girls who flee conflict, crisis and natural disasters, as well as women who migrate for other reasons, such as domestic violence or poverty, face specific threats – including…
by Oxfam Canada | September 16, 2016
Different conflict, same crisis
Education Resource
The vast majority of refugees and asylum seekers are hosted by poorer countries and almost four million have been welcomed by countries which themselves have experienced armed violence or are…
by Oxfam Canada | September 15, 2016
Youth and Inequality: Time to support youth as agents of their own future
Education Resource
Released to mark International Youth Day and as the World Social Forum gets underway, the report, ‘Youth and Inequality: Time to support youth as agents of their own future’, also shows…
by Oxfam Canada | August 12, 2016
Oxfam Canada Submission to International Assistance Review
Education Resource
Led by a feminist Prime Minister, and with a new commitment to bringing a feminist lens to all international assistance, Canada has an opportunity to become a global leader by…
by Oxfam Canada | July 28, 2016

A Feminist Approach to Canada's International Assistance
Education Resource
On July 5, 2016, the Women’s Rights Policy Group brought together 50 civil society and government representatives for a full-day dialogue. Its goals were to develop a common understanding of…
by Oxfam Canada | July 28, 2016

Media Brief: A Poor Welcome from the World’s Wealthy
- Briefing Note
- Education Resource
The number of people forced to flee their homes due to war, violence or persecution is at its highest level since records began.The conflict in Syria has been a major…
by Oxfam Canada | July 18, 2016
Underpaid and Undervalued: How Inequality Defines Women's Work in Asia
Education Resource
Rising economic inequality across Asia is threatening poverty reduction and slowing down the fight against gender inequality. Although the region has experienced economic growth, the bottom 70 percent have seen…
by Oxfam Canada | May 31, 2016
Commitment to Change
Education Resource
With one month to go to the World Humanitarian Summit, we would like to share with you Oxfam’s briefing note, Commitment to Change, which outlines the most important commitments that…
by Oxfam Canada | April 27, 2016

EU “hotspots” spread fear and doubt
- Briefing Note
- Education Resource
On 18 April 2015, a shipwreck in the Central Mediterranean caused the deaths of an estimated 800 people seeking to reach Italy. The EU responded to the tragedy by calling…
by Oxfam Canada | April 18, 2016
The IFC and Tax Havens
Education Resource
Inequality is rising around the world. Fighting inequality must be an integrated priority for everyone in development, to promote and achieve sustainable development. Oxfam analysis reveals that 51 of the…
by Oxfam Canada | April 11, 2016
Make Women Count
Education Resource
Global economic growth is not leading to greater gender equality. This report looks at how women in Canada and around the world are affected by rising inequality. Women make up…
by Oxfam Canada | March 4, 2016

An Economy for the 1%
Education Resource
The global inequality crisis is reaching new extremes. The richest 1% now have more wealth than the rest of the world combined, and 62 billionaires own the same amount of…
by Oxfam Canada | January 17, 2016

Canada’s accession to the ATT
Education Resource
Dear Minister Dion: Congratulations on your re-election to the House of Commons and on your appointment as Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs. We wish you much success in the critical…
by Oxfam Canada | December 9, 2015
Media briefing: Game-changers in the Paris climate deal
- Briefing Note
- Education Resource
There is likely to be a climate deal in Paris. The emission pledges that more than 150 governments have put on the table this year show that global climate ambition is…
by Oxfam | November 25, 2015
Rebuilding a More Resilient Nepal: Key recommendations for reconstruction and recovery
Education Resource
The April 2015 earthquake devastated Nepal, affecting more than eight million people. Nepalis have shown remarkable resilience in the face of the disaster, and six months on people are rebuilding…
by Oxfam Canada | October 29, 2015

Money Talks: Africa at the G7
Education Resource
At their forthcoming summit in Germany, G7 leaders will meet some of their African counterparts to discuss how they can support economic growth and sustainable development in Africa. The continent…
by alvaro | June 2, 2015
The Suffering of Others - The human cost of the International Finance Corporation’s lending through financial intermediaries
Education Resource
Increasingly, development money is being channeled through third parties such as banks or private equity funds. The world’s leading proponent of this financing model, the International Finance Corporation, spent $36…
by alvaro | April 2, 2015
Walking the Talk
Education Resource
Oxfam launched its award-winning international Behind the Brands campaign in February 2013. It ranks the biggest international food and beverage companies, the ‘Big 10’, on the strength of their policies…
by alvaro | March 31, 2015

Syria Crisis Fair Share Analysis 2015
Education Resource
Oxfam has calculated that nearly half of the world’s top donors didn’t give their fair share of aid to the Syria crisis in 2014, based on the size of their…
by alvaro | March 30, 2015
Failing Syria: Assessing the Impact of UN Security Resolutions
Education Resource
Despite three Security Council resolutions adopted in 2014 demanding action to secure protection and assistance for civilians, humanitarian access to large parts of Syria has diminished and more people are…
by Oxfam Canada | March 11, 2015
Wealth: Having it all and wanting more
Education Resource
Oxfam’s new report,Wealth: Having it all and wanting more, released in advance of this year’s World Economic Forum, shows that unless the current trend of rising inequality is checked, the…
by Oxfam Canada | January 18, 2015
Haiti Progress Report
Education Resource
On January 12, 2010, a massive earthquake hit Haiti’s capital Port-au-Prince, killing 220,000 people, injuring 300,000 and severely damaging great swaths of the city. While enormous challenges remain as the…
by Oxfam Canada | January 12, 2015
The Indian Ocean Tsunami - 10 Years On
Education Resource
A new Oxfam report, The Indian Ocean Tsunami, 10 Years On, shows that the Tsunami was a pivotal moment for the international humanitarian sector. Many lessons were learned and the…
by alvaro | December 17, 2014
Turn the Tide - G20 Media Briefing
Education Resource
Oxfam's report ahead of the G20, Turn the Tide, reveals that since December 2013, the total wealth in the G20 increased by US $17 tr, but the richest one per…
by alvaro | November 12, 2014
Can't Afford to Wait
Education Resource
Climate-related disasters and food crises are devastating thousands of lives and holding back development across Asia. A year on from the devastating super-typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, Oxfam calls for…
by alvaro | November 7, 2014
In the Shadow of the Storm
Education Resource
The scale of the destruction caused when typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines on 8 November 2013 was staggering. The emergency response provided life-saving support to millions of people in the…
by alvaro | November 7, 2014
From Crisis to Catastrophe: South Sudan's man-made crisis - and how the world must act now to prevent catastrophe in 2015
Education Resource
More than two million people are facing severe food insecurity in South Sudan. Famine has been narrowly avoided in 2014. As the dry season begins, the brutal conflict that provoked…
by alvaro | October 6, 2014
The Summit that Snoozed? Climate-related disasters over five years have cost almost half a trillion dollars
Education Resource
Oxfam Media Brief Since global leaders last met to discuss climate change five years ago, climate-related disasters have cost the world almost half a trillion dollars. More than 650 million…
by alvaro | September 19, 2014

Moral Hazard? "Mega" Agricultural public-private partnerships threaten livelihoods for African farmers
Education Resource
In this briefing paper Oxfam assesses the effectiveness and potential of these mega-PPPs as a vehicle for poverty eradication and rural livelihoods.
by Oxfam Canada | September 2, 2014

The BRICS Development Bank: Why the world’s newest global bank must adopt a pro-poor agenda
Education Resource
In July 2014, a new multilateral and southern-led development bank was launched by the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – better known as the BRICS. The…
by Oxfam Canada | July 15, 2014
The G20 and Gender Equality
Education Resource
In 2012 in the Los Cabos Declaration, G20 leaders committed to tackling the barriers to women’s full economic and social participation and to expanding opportunities for women in their countries.…
by alvaro | July 14, 2014

Capturing changes in women's lives: the experiences of Oxfam Canada in applying feminist evaluation principles to monitoring and evaluation practice
Education Resource
This article describes Oxfam Canada’s efforts to develop a mixed-methods approach to monitoring, evaluation, and learning rooted in feminist evaluation principles, for Engendering Change, a multi-year, donor co-funded ‘stand-alone’ women’s…
by alvaro | July 10, 2014
Making It Happen: Oxfam’s proposals for the post-2015 framework
Education Resource
In 2015 the world has a historic opportunity to set ambitious goals to end poverty and protect the planet. As the era of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) comes to…
by alvaro | June 17, 2014

Food Crisis, Gender, and Resilience in the Sahel
Education Resource
This report deals with the issues, or rather, with the responses to the 2012 food crisis in the Sahel, from a gender perspective. The field research, which was conducted in…
by alvaro | June 16, 2014

In the 2000s, despite significant economic growth and decreases in levels of poverty, income inequality has remained persistently high and has even increased. Social and spatial inequalities further exacerbate income…
by alvaro | June 10, 2014

Refugee Perceptions Study: Za’atari Camp and Host Communities in Jordan
Education Resource
The implications of Syria’s protracted conflict for Jordan are significant and the humanitarian strategy moving forward into 2014 is underscored by unpredictable inflows of refugees. The United Nations High Commissioner…
by alvaro | June 2, 2014

Standing on the sidelines: Why food and beverage companies must do more to tackle climate change
Education Resource
In this report, Oxfam calls on the Big 10 to face up to the scale of greenhouse gas emissions produced through their supply chains, and address the deforestation and unsustainable…
by alvaro | May 20, 2014

Digging Deeper: Towards Greater Action on Global Rights for Women and Girls
Education Resource
Digging Deeper: Towards Greater Action on Global Rights for Women and Girls explores the kinds of programming that Canadian CSOs carry out in support of women and girls; the trends…
by alvaro | May 9, 2014

Above & Beyond: Voices of Hope from South Sudan
Education Resource
Jubilation and hope filled the hearts of many in July 2011. South Sudan, the world’s youngest nation, was born after decades of fighting, despair and loss. The road to prosperity…
by Oxfam Canada | April 30, 2014

The Right Move? Ensuring durable relocation after Typhoon Haiyan
Education Resource
Typhoon Haiyan (known locally as Yolanda) left four million people homeless. Local authorities are preparing to relocate thousands of them, to protect them from future disasters. However, current plans ignore…
by Oxfam Canada | April 30, 2014

Building a New Agricultural Future
Education Resource
Agro-ecology applies ecological concepts and principles to the design and management of sustainable agriculture. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that globally, more than 800 million people worldwide are…
by Oxfam Canada | April 28, 2014

A Dangerous Diversion
Education Resource
The Lesotho health public-private partnership (PPP) has been described as opening a new era for private sector involvement in healthcare in Africa. Instead, the Ministry of Health in one of…
by Oxfam Canada | April 7, 2014

Working For The Many - Public services fight inequality
- Briefing Note
- Education Resource
Public services like health and education are one of the strongest weapons in the fight against inequality. They benefit everyone in society, but the poorest most of all. They mitigate…
by Oxfam Canada | April 3, 2014

Risk of reversal in progress on world hunger as climate change threatens food security
- Briefing Note
- Education Resource
The IPCC report is clear: the impacts of climate change on food are worse than previously estimated. The last time the IPCC reported in 2007 they gave mixed messages about…
by Oxfam Canada | March 31, 2014

How Disasters Disrupt Development
Education Resource
This joint agency briefing calls for a strong commitment in the post-2015 development framework to reducing the impact of disasters. And as 2015 draws nearer it is more important than…
by alvaro | December 16, 2013

Oxfam Canada Groups Guide
Education Resource
Here is how to get started in three simple steps: 1. Contact Oxfam2. Register your group3. Organize and take action! Our Oxfam Canada Campus Guide includes the tools and information…
by Hammad | January 16, 2013