Become A Corporate Partner

Partnerships make everything possible.

Partner for Positive Impact

As an official brand partner, you’ll have dedicated account management service, customized impact reports and a collection of photos, videos and stories from the field.

A corporate partnership with Oxfam is a mutually beneficial relationship: for Oxfam, it means funding, support and increased visibility for our work to end poverty. For our partners, it means the chance to make real social impact, enhance customer and staff value, strengthen brand purpose and increase market outreach.

From your initial enquiry to building a partnership that's right for your business, our team will work with you to make our partnership an ongoing success.

Do you have any questions?

For more information on a customized corporate engagement strategy with Oxfam Canada, contact us at:


5 Reasons Companies Appreciate Our Corporate Partnerships

  1. Credible, no-nonsense reputation around the world
  2. Strong and growing global presence
  3. Customized approach that caters to their needs
  4. Internationally recognized high-impact programs
  5. Track record of successful corporate partnerships across industries

Here's How We Can Work Together

Strategic Partnership

Whether your company is seeking a trusted disaster relief organization or a cause-marketing partner, we will tailor our partnership to meet your goals and create an engaging program that is easy to implement. Partnering with Oxfam can help you deliver key themes in your corporate social responsibility strategy and boost your brand's overall impact.

Employee Engagement

Tailor-made events and activities for your team that are guaranteed to boost satisfaction, motivation and morale across the whole company. Discover some of the ways that your staff can get involved in the fight against poverty, including payroll deduction, workplace campaigns, and team-building events.

Corporate Donations

Corporate donations are crucial to the delivery of our long-term development, advocacy, and disaster-relief work. Our team will work with you to select the appropriate initiative that fits with your organization’s interests and values. You will receive regular updates on the impact of your donation, and be able to promote the positive impact your company is making in people’s lives.

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