To the New Cabinet: Seize this Moment for People, Planet and Justice
Days away from the United Nations climate conference, we are at a critical juncture.
This summer, Canadians have seen firsthand the devastating impacts of climate change faced by so many around the world. Two-thirds of Canadians want strong action on the climate crisis within your first 100 days in office – but for too long, Canada's climate leadership has been more a matter of words than action.
Now is the time to bridge our credibility gap and take action by:
Upholding Indigenous Rights
Fully implement the 94 calls to action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and respect Indigenous Peoples as rights-holders in all climate plans and negotiations.
Ending the expansion of the oil and gas sector and ensuring a just transition for workers and communities
Join the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance at COP26, present clear plans to cap at current levels and decrease emissions from oil and gas, eliminate all fossil fuel subsidies and supports, and develop a Just Transition plan.
Committing to align our climate policies and targets to keep 1.5°C within reach and to protect a livable planet
Pledge to cut our domestic emissions to at least 60%below 2005 levels by 2030 and plan to rapidly decarbonize all sectors of the economy.
Financing climate justice and the energy transition for the countries least responsible for creating the crisis but most vulnerable to its impacts
Mobilize at least CAD $5 billion per year in climate finance, including $1.8 billion/year in development assistance funding and ensure that 50% of this funding goes towards adaptation and work with other wealthy countries to close the $100 billion gap.
Words on the international stage must be matched by action at home
In the coming weeks, at the G20 summit, COP26, and in the Speech from the Throne, we’re looking to the federal Cabinet to demonstrate real leadership with concrete, urgent plans to transform our economy and society to make them safer, fairer, more caring and more resilient for all.
This statement is led by Climate Action Network Canada – Réseau action climat Canada (CAN-Rac Canada) and supported by the following organizations: