Behind the Brands: Will your favourite brand make it to the top of the scorecard?

by alvaro | July 24, 2013
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We’re already seeing companies committing to do business better. That’s because of you - but there’s more we can do to put the pressure on through Twitter and Facebook.

Since we launched the Behind the Brands campaign in February, over 100,000 of you have joined the call for the brands you love to do better for the people and resources that make their products.

So far your action has led to commitments from Nestle, Mondelez and Mars, three of the biggest chocolate companies in the world, to do right by women farmers in their supply chain.

But each company still has a long way to go to get their scores up – so now it’s time to put the pressure on every company to show them that they must all step up and do right in the ways they make our favourite food and drinks.

Race to the top

We know we all want every company to do better on all the issues on the scorecard. But when we shout with one voice, we’re louder – so we’ve done some analysis and identified the top opportunities for each company, so you can be sure that you’re making the biggest difference. You can take action on the companies and issues you care about most and continue to push them to improve the way they do business – and because the brands you love care what you think, they’ll have to listen and act.

Great news!

Already we can share some great Behind the Brands news: Unilever has just announced some new public commitments to improve the situation of women in their supply chain.

Your support for the Behind the Brands campaign has already encouraged Unilever along its journey to do more for women, and to meet all the top opportunities we identified.

Unilever has publicly recognized the importance of the advancement of women’s rights and women’s economic inclusion as a business priority, the role women play in their communities and in global supply chains, as well as the barriers they can face. Unilever has committed to sign the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles, to work to increase the economic inclusion and employment opportunities open to women, and to help build capacity in areas such as financial literacy. Watch out for the improvement in Unilever's score on women in the next scorecard update, and feel proud of your contribution to make their brands even more lovable.

How do I make a difference now?

Check out the ‘best way to make a difference’ information for your favorite brand, and use your voice through Twitter and Facebook to put pressure on the company to commit to do better this summer.

So what are you waiting for? Check out all the other ways you can make your favorite brands much more lovable.



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