Women’s Voice and Leadership-Pakistan Impact

by Oxfam Canada | December 12, 2023
Background media: Two women wearing medical facemasks are standing up and holding microphones.
Photo: Tooba Niazi/Oxfam

Women’s Voice and Leadership-Pakistan Impact

by Oxfam Canada | December 12, 2023
Background media: Two women standing up and holding microphones.
Photo: Tooba Niazi/Oxfam

Oxfam is partnering with women's rights organizations in Pakistan through the Women's Voice and Leadership (WVL) Pakistan project. It works to enhance the leadership of women and women's rights organizations, increase the relevance of women's rights programming and advocacy work, and strengthen women's rights networks and alliances. This work addresses human rights violations against women and girls and advances gender equality in Pakistan.

WVL-Pakistan is an important project in our work to promote women's transformative leadership.

See our resources section to learn more about the project's progress and impact. The materials are also available in accessible formats, which can be requested at 

This project is undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada, provided through Global Affairs Canada, and the generous Canadian public.

New logo from government of Canada that reads, in partnership with Canada.

Oxfam Canada

Download our Women's Voice and Leadership-Pakistan resources.


Learn about the project's impact from its participants:

Read our documents and publications derived from expertise, research, and lessons learned from this project:

Learn what the first half of the project achieved:

Learn about the impact of this project in our final reports:

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