World Humanitarian Day

August 19, 2024

Today, on World Humanitarian Day, Oxfam Canada stands in solidarity with humanitarian workers who risk their lives to provide life-saving aid and support to people affected by crises, conflict and disasters.

It has been 21 years since a suicide bomb attack was carried out on the United Nations (UN) headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq, resulting in the tragic loss of 22 humanitarian aid workers and injuries to over 150 others. This somber anniversary reminds us of the ongoing dangers that humanitarian workers face every day.

Despite 75 years of international law designed to protect civilians and aid workers, violations continue. This year is on track to be the deadliest on record for humanitarian workers, with the United Nations reporting that more than 280 humanitarian aid workers have been killed in the Occupied Palestinian Territory since October 2023 – nearly three times the death toll recorded in any single conflict in a year.

From the devastating impacts of climate change to protracted conflicts and economic inequality, millions of people are in urgent need of help. Yet, in the face of these immense challenges, humanitarian workers remain steadfast in their commitment to save lives, alleviate suffering, and uphold the dignity of those most in need.

Oxfam Canada honours the bravery, dedication, and compassion of all humanitarian workers, particularly women, who often lead the charge in the most challenging contexts. We also recognize the local organizations and community leaders who are the first responders in times of crisis. Their knowledge, resilience, and commitment are the backbone of humanitarian action.

Our work is far from over. We must continue to advocate for greater protection of civilians and aid workers, increased funding for humanitarian efforts, and long-term solutions that address the root causes of crises. As our Executive Director Lauren Ravon says, “In these trying times, we find strength in our shared commitment to justice and equity. We stand with our partners, communities, and all those who believe in a world where every person can live with dignity.”

On this World Humanitarian Day, we reaffirm our commitment to working alongside our partners and communities to build a more just and equitable world.


Laveza Khan, ; 613-240-4157

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