Reaction to UNGA’s overwhelming support for implementing the ICJ’s opinion on the illegality of Israel’s occupation

September 18, 2024

In response to the UNGA’s overwhelming support for a resolution providing a roadmap to implement the International Court of Justice’s recent opinion on the illegality of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory, Oxfam’s Middle East and North Africa Director Sally Abi Khalil said:

“This historic vote has shown that the international community overwhelmingly recognises its obligations in ensuring the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and an immediate end to Israel’s illegal occupation.  

“The UN Security Council must uphold its obligation to enforce this sober, responsible and detailed resolution or forever undermine any remaining credibility by flouting the legal and political opinion of the UN.” 

Notes to editors

The resolution lays out the steps necessary to implement July’s legally definitive International Court of Justice opinion that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian Territory (Gaza, East Jerusalem and the West Bank) is unlawful and must end immediately; that illegal settlers must leave; that Israel must pay reparations to Palestinians for harm caused since 1967; that no third State may provide any aid or assist Israel’s continuing crimes; and that Israel’s legislation and measures breach Article 3 of CERD, which condemns racial segregation and apartheid. The next stage is for the UNSC to adopt a resolution under Chapter VII of the UN Charter to enforce that implementation.


Laveza Khan, ; 613-240-4157

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