Oxfam in BC commemorates World Food Day with a Pailwalker
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Join the Oxfam BC team and commemorate World Food day with a Pailwalker.
A Pailwalker is a walk in solidarity with the countless women and girls worldwide who walk a minimum of 6km a day to get water.
WHEN : Saturday, October 18th at noon until we finish our 6km walk
WHERE : Gathering point in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery (Georgia side). Participants will be walking to Jericho Beach.
WHAT : Show solidarity with women and girls all around the world. Bring your own pails or buckets, if you have any, otherwise they will be provided for you.
To register for the event please sign up – https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/oxfam-bcyukons-pailwalker-event-a-walk-of-solidarity-tickets-13360955979