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Interview with Amitabh Behar, Executive Director of Oxfam International

July 4, 2024

Amitabh Behar is Oxfam International’s Interim Executive Director. With more than 27 years of experience as…

Delivering Aid in Gaza: Your Questions Answered 

June 21, 2024
Ghada Alhaddad stands in the Al-Mawasi area, collecting notes and reflections from people on the ground.

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On World Refugee Day, Five Displacement Crises That Can’t Be Ignored

June 20, 2024
A woman and her young girl walk through a camp of makeshift tents, the ground is wet and muddy, and the child is walking barefoot.

TITLE FROMPOST TYPE By Tara Robinson | June 20th, 2024 Background media: A woman and her…

World Refugee Day: how conflict and displacement impact refugee girls’ education

June 18, 2024

TITLE FROMPOST TYPE For refugees, education isn’t just about books; it’s about reclaiming a sense of…

The West Bank and Gaza: Stories from the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel

June 11, 2024

TITLE FROMPOST TYPE After traveling to the region, Lauren Ravon, Oxfam Canada Executive Director, shares first…

Women Deliver 2019, 5 Years On

June 4, 2024

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Student-Led Protests in Canada are Demanding Action for Gaza

May 27, 2024

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Five Ways Cash Transfers Can Make a Difference in a Crisis

May 21, 2024
Damaris Leleruk (55), program participant for cash transfer project looking after her goats at her home in Samburu County.

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Today and every day, we stand with our youth

May 17, 2024
Child wearing rainbow bracelets

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Let’s not leave it to “luck”: Inclusive Child Care for All

May 15, 2024

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Rana Plaza: Eleven years on, what has changed?

April 24, 2024

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Oxfam’s March Round-Up

April 17, 2024

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Canada’s economy could shrink by 6.9 per cent per year by 2050 without more ambitious climate action – Oxfam

June 6, 2021

Human and economic impact on low-income nations will be much worse Canada’s economy could shrink by 6.9 per cent annually by 2050 without more ambitious climate action, according to Oxfam’s analysis of research by the Swiss Re Institute. Across G7 nations, the impacts of climate change could cause economies to contract by an average of…

More than a million COVID-19 deaths in 4 months since G7 leaders failed to break vaccine monopolies

June 2, 2021

At current vaccination rate low income countries would be waiting 57 years for everyone to be fully vaccinated More than a million people have died from COVID-19 since G7 leaders last met back in February, when they made vague pledges to increase the global vaccine supply, but crucially failed to collectively back the waiver of…

After the bombing, Gaza struggles to restart power, water, hospitals, markets and fishing for its 2.1 million people  

May 25, 2021

400,000 people now without regular water supply 400,000 people in Gaza do not have access to regular water supply after 11 days of bombardment devastated electricity and water services and severely impacted the three main desalination plants in Gaza city, Oxfam warned today. Oxfam Country Director in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel, Shane Stevenson said:…

Right to live without a blockade: Oxfam calls for lifting US sanctions against Cuba

May 25, 2021

78 per cent of women and girls living in Cuba were born under the pressure exerted by the US blockade on the island for nearly six decades. According to a new Oxfam report, these sanctions impact the daily lives of all Cubans, but especially women. The blockade affects families and their livelihoods, and limits progress…

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