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A day in Aleppo post-earthquake; how Syrians will survive this new cruel chapter

March 14, 2023
Several men are standing in front of a large pile of building rubble and around a small fire. There are large blankets rolled up on the ground in a pile and one man is holding a bike.

by | Background media: Replace this with image description Replace this with image credit information Rescue…

Getting Aid to Earthquake Survivors in Türkiye and Syria

March 10, 2023
A large blue plastic tent sits on a road of rubble surrounded by fallen buildings with a group of men stand off in the distance around a fire.

by | Background media: Replace this with image description Replace this with image credit information People…

SDIR subcommittee Study on the Rights and Freedoms of Women Globally, and of Women in Afghanistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia

March 10, 2023

Oxfam Canada was invited to testify at the Parliamentary Subcommittee on International Human Rights on their…

Oxfam Canada’s Feminism is Trans Inclusive

March 3, 2023
Oxfam Canada's feminism is trans inclusive

Oxfam Canada stands firmly with transgender, non-binary, and gender diverse communities in Canada and across the…

Penelope Sanyu on Nurturing Feminist Power

March 2, 2023

“My name is Sanyu, and Sanyu means joy. I keep telling people it wasn’t a mistake,”…

Life in drought-affected Wajir, Kenya

March 1, 2023
A woman wearing a black veil stands among the dry carcasses of cattle and dry, leafless trees.

A swirling sandstorm. As the dust rises it reveals a vast land that has is bare…

How Oxfam Responds to Emergencies and How You Can Help

February 10, 2023
A partially collapsed second story of a concrete-built home, with colour floors still hanging in what used to be a bedroom's closet.

Whether responding to conflict, natural disasters like earthquakes or supporting people experiencing a hunger crisis, there…

Quiz: Find Out Your Level of Devspeak Expertise

February 8, 2023

It’s International Development Week, Time to Find Out Your Level of Devspeak Expertise Answer these five…

SDG16: How Oxfam’s Work with Civil Society Contributes to Just and Inclusive Societies

February 6, 2023
Pattern background of the logo of sustainable development goal number 16 composed of a dove holding an olive branch in its peak while standing on a gravel.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations member states in 2015, provides…

With Collective Action Comes Greater Impact

January 11, 2023
A woman and two boys wash their hands outside surrounded by trees.

Collective action is a way of life at Oxfam. As part of a global confederation, our…

Five Facts About Climate Change and Inequality

November 9, 2022
A Black woman holding a yellow bucket stands outside her destroyed house surrounded by palm trees against a cloudy sky.

Climate change affects the most vulnerable first and worst. That’s why Oxfam is making sure that…

What’s Causing the Hunger Crisis in East Africa?

October 27, 2022
Five women and a young girl wearing colourful headscarves and long skirts stand by red wheelbarrows with yellow jerrycans waiting to collect water.

Oxfam is responding in four countries and urging more international assistance to help people facing severe…

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REACTION: West Bank Military Offensive

August 28, 2024

In reaction to today’s Israeli raids across West Bank refugee camps, Oxfam MENA Regional Director Sally Abi Khalil said: “The latest Israeli military offensive in the West Bank overnight is deeply concerning, resulting in numerous possible violations of international humanitarian law. The systematic attacks against civilians – just as we have seen in Gaza over…

Bangladesh Floods: Affected Communities Look for Urgent Support as the Situation is Dire

August 26, 2024

The ongoing flash floods in Bangladesh, triggered by relentless heavy rainfall, overflowing rivers, and upstream water releases from India, have devastated 12 districts, leaving millions stranded and in desperate need of aid. According to the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief, with nearly 5 million people affected and at least 18 lives lost, the situation…

Oxfam Canada at Capital Pride

August 22, 2024

Oxfam Canada is proud to participate in Capital Pride this coming weekend, celebrating diversity, inclusion, and the fundamental human rights of all people. Our commitment to these values is unwavering, and we stand alongside communities striving for justice and equality both here in Canada and around the world. In this spirit, we also express our…

World Humanitarian Day

August 19, 2024

Today, on World Humanitarian Day, Oxfam Canada stands in solidarity with humanitarian workers who risk their lives to provide life-saving aid and support to people affected by crises, conflict and disasters. It has been 21 years since a suicide bomb attack was carried out on the United Nations (UN) headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq, resulting in…

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