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Why We All Need to Stand As One with Refugees

September 28, 2017

 Emily Kirby recounts her experience as an Oxfam Ambassador for the Stand As One campaign –…

Rise in hunger an appalling relapse

September 19, 2017

For the first time in more than a decade, the United Nations reported a sharp increase…

Stand Together with Oxfam & Coldplay

August 23, 2017

This summer, Coldplay invited Oxfam volunteers on their World Tour to encourage fans to get involved…

Reflections from a humanitarian worker

August 19, 2017

Partners and community define our humanitarian work.  Her excitement was contagious. Renata Dia stood at the…

Protection of women and girls: a bright idea

August 18, 2017

Sometimes we harm the people we try to help. As humanitarians we deliver life-saving assistance to…

A catastrophic cholera crisis threatens Yemen

August 16, 2017

Yemen’s human-made catastrophe is forcing people to make stark live or die choices. Yemenis, already on…

A human economy for women and men

July 24, 2017

If the world turned upside down and we replaced all the women with men, and all…

Supporting survivors of conflict in South Sudan

June 19, 2017

Millions of people have been displaced from their homes in South Sudan. They are facing hunger…

Hope and resilience: Sylvie’s life in Buporo refugee camp

June 19, 2017

When Sylvie’s husband died of disease in Buporo refugee camp, it was not only heartbreaking for…

Drought in East Africa: “If the rains do not come, none of us will survive”

April 27, 2017

A large double-decker truck is quickly making its way towards Garadag from Fadigaab, in the south…

INFOGRAPHIC: Food Security to Famine

April 19, 2017
Food security infographic.

What do words like “food insecurity” and “famine” actually mean? Our graphic below explains. And when…

Growing a better future

April 7, 2017

What does hunger have to do with climate change? A lot. Wild weather and unpredictable seasons…

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Oxfam reaction to the Rio de Janeiro G20 Ministerial Declaration on International Tax Cooperation: “this is serious global progress”

July 25, 2024

Responding to the Rio de Janeiro G20 Ministerial Declaration on International Tax Cooperation published today, Oxfam International’s Tax Policy Lead Susana Ruiz, said: “This is serious global progress —for the first time in history, the world’s largest economies have agreed to cooperate to tax the ultra-rich. Finally, the richest people are being told they can’t…

Top 1 percent bags over $40 trillion in new wealth during past decade as taxes on the rich reach historic lows

July 24, 2024

The richest 1 percent have amassed $42 trillion in new wealth over the past decade, nearly 34 times more than the entire bottom 50 percent of the world’s population, according to new analysis by Oxfam today ahead of the third meeting of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The…

Oxfam Calls for Immediate Action to Safeguard Human Rights and Freedom of Speech Amid Quota Reform Protests in Bangladesh

July 24, 2024

We extend our heartfelt condolences to the affected families of the violence which took place during the Quota Reform Protests, which has resulted in tragic deaths and injuries. The protests highlight significant human rights violations. In these challenging times, prioritizing human rights, justice, and equality is essential. Oxfam calls for immediate action to protect the…


July 24, 2024

In reaction to the UN’s 2024 edition of “The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World” (SOFI) report, which showed that one out of 11 people in the world, and one out of every five in Africa, may have faced hunger in 2023, Eric Munoz, Oxfam’s food policy expert, said: “Global hunger remains stuck…

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