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Changing Laws, Changing Lives

November 1, 2018

Ending gender-based violence in Mozambique Survivors of gender-based violence in Mozambique face challenges in accessing legal…

How technology is advancing women’s rights in Indonesia

October 10, 2018
Twenty-seven-year-old Juhaeirah is the leader of one of the women’s caucuses of the project. Photo Credit: Oxfam

As International Day of the Girl approaches, it got me thinking about how lucky we are.…

How the humanitarian sector is taking action after its #MeToo moment

September 21, 2018
Julie Delahanty, Oxfam Canada Executive Director, visiting Oxfam’s cash for work program in a refugee camp, Gambela region of Ethiopia. Photo Credit: Oxfam

This year has proven to be a reckoning on women’s rights around the world and the…

Mining 101: How Canada’s huge extractive sector fits into the struggle for gender justice

September 12, 2018
ommunities relocated to make way for gold mines in Ghana struggle with loss of agricultural land, unemployment, and environmental damage. Photo Credit: Neil Brander/Oxfam America

Have you travelled outside of Canada before?  How many countries have you visited?  Less than five? …

Five things I’ve learned being a humanitarian aid worker

August 16, 2018
Iffat, training Rohingya refugees about good health and hygiene in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Photo Credit: Abbie Trayler-Smith/ Oxfam

Iffat Tahmid Fatema, 28, is a humanitarian public health worker for Oxfam’s Rohingya refugee response in…

It may look like just a bicycle…

August 13, 2018
Alice stands with wher bike. She lives 20km away from school. It used to take her hours to walk to school. "The walk was a bad experience. I would go to school on Monday but then on a Tuesday I would be absent as I was so sick and tired. I would miss one day a week and go in four days. I forced myself to go. I was arriving at school so tired. I couldn't concentrate as had I no time to rest. I tried to work hard but I was just so tired," said Alice. Oxfam has so far provided bicycles to 30 girls in schools across Southern Malawi. Photo Credit: Corinna Kern

For some young people, the road to education can be long and arduous – quite literally.…

Sexual education is not a luxury; it’s a human right, at home and abroad

August 10, 2018
High school students Mamadou Thioye (19), at left, and Aisha* (16). Both are participants in the ‘Connecting 4 Life’ program that helps young people in Senegal learn about human sexuality through an online education platform. Photo by: Brett Eloff / Oxfam

Women’s and LGBT+ rights are under attack. We are experiencing a major backlash by conservative governments…

Oxfam Canada helps Cubans return to everyday life after Hurricane Irma

July 27, 2018

When Hurricane Irma struck Cuba as a Category 5 storm in early September 2017, pummeling the…

Creating space to tackle violence against women and child marriage in Bangladesh

July 9, 2018
A group of Brown women wearing colourful saris are sitting down on the floor and raising their hands.

“Who here was married before they were ready?” Every single woman raises her hand. The women…

Climate change brings chaos to impoverished region of India

June 29, 2018
Humanitarian assistant to flood affected communities in Assam. An Oxfam hygiene and shelter kit distribution. Photo credit: Oxfam India

The monsoon season is usually a welcome event for Sundari and her neighbours. Every year, it…

Rebuilding lives with beads and a megaphone

June 20, 2018
Sarah, the chairperson of a handicrafts group in Bidibidi refugee setttlement, uses a microphone to call women to join her group. Photo: Kieran Doherty/Oxfam

In Uganda’s Bidibidi refugee resettlement camp, one woman is helping others make money—and heal—through a jewellery-making…

Changing the lives of mothers in Bangladesh refugee camps

June 19, 2018

Rajiah, 46,  fled violence near her home in Myanmar 6 months ago with her youngest daughter,…

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Oxfam reaction to the Rio de Janeiro G20 Ministerial Declaration on International Tax Cooperation: “this is serious global progress”

July 25, 2024

Responding to the Rio de Janeiro G20 Ministerial Declaration on International Tax Cooperation published today, Oxfam International’s Tax Policy Lead Susana Ruiz, said: “This is serious global progress —for the first time in history, the world’s largest economies have agreed to cooperate to tax the ultra-rich. Finally, the richest people are being told they can’t…

Top 1 percent bags over $40 trillion in new wealth during past decade as taxes on the rich reach historic lows

July 24, 2024

The richest 1 percent have amassed $42 trillion in new wealth over the past decade, nearly 34 times more than the entire bottom 50 percent of the world’s population, according to new analysis by Oxfam today ahead of the third meeting of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The…

Oxfam Calls for Immediate Action to Safeguard Human Rights and Freedom of Speech Amid Quota Reform Protests in Bangladesh

July 24, 2024

We extend our heartfelt condolences to the affected families of the violence which took place during the Quota Reform Protests, which has resulted in tragic deaths and injuries. The protests highlight significant human rights violations. In these challenging times, prioritizing human rights, justice, and equality is essential. Oxfam calls for immediate action to protect the…


July 24, 2024

In reaction to the UN’s 2024 edition of “The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World” (SOFI) report, which showed that one out of 11 people in the world, and one out of every five in Africa, may have faced hunger in 2023, Eric Munoz, Oxfam’s food policy expert, said: “Global hunger remains stuck…

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