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How everyday items celebrate solidarity and our shared humanity

January 9, 2020
Laila fleeing conflict with her family

Just a few weeks ago, I travelled to five Canadian cities to help present Oxfam’s award-winning…

Climate change driving drought crisis in Horn of Africa

December 20, 2019

  by | Replace this with image credit information “There has been a total failure of…

More than honey

December 19, 2019

by | Replace this with image credit information Credit: Kieran Doherty / Oxfam 26-year old Addise…

5 truly unique holiday gifts for people hard to buy for

December 17, 2019
Oxfam is partnering with the Unilever laundry brand Surf, and we are working together to lighten the load for women and girls living with the injustice of poverty. The partnership aims to reduce the workload of women, unlocking opportunities and supporting women’s empowerment. Photo Credit: Aurelie Marrier d'Unienville / Oxfam

Gift giving isn’t only about who you value, it’s also about what you value. And when…

Decent work for women calls for sexual and reproductive rights

October 28, 2019

Reproductive health and decent work are inextricably linked for women. Across the globe, women are the…

5 things Canada’s next government should do to curb corporate abuses of human rights

October 16, 2019

Canada desperately needs to update its approach on corporate accountability. The SNC-Lavalin affair that rocked the…

Women, peace and security: Ending the Saudi arms deal

October 2, 2019
The situation in Yemen is nothing short of horrifying. Violence, rising food prices, the destruction of infrastructure, and a lack of basic services makes daily survival a painful struggle for millions of Yemenis. Photo by: Moayed Al-Shaybani, Oxfam

What is our Women, Peace and Security advice to the incoming government? To ensure policy coherence across all…

Too young to marry

September 18, 2019
Young woman

by | Replace this with image credit information MARAWI CITY, Philippines – It was long past…

Canada joins the Arms Trade Treaty while still selling arms to Saudi Arabia

September 18, 2019
Destruction in Yemen

  by | Replace this with image credit information Following decades of advocacy, Canada has finally…

Our bodies as a site of power

September 12, 2019

Vagina, clitoris, penis, testicles. Say these words out loud without giggling. Say them without whispering. I…

Transformative tailoring for Rohingya refugee women

August 23, 2019

Gender dynamics in the largest refugee settlement in the world “You have come to this country…

Humanitarians on the frontline of the Burundi refugee crisis in Tanzania

August 16, 2019
Three dark-skinned women stand together. The woman in the middle is wearing a blue head scarf and has her arms around the other two women. They are all outside during the daytime and all are smiling. The woman on the left is wearing a black Oxfam T-shirt and the woman on the right is wearing a green and white Oxfam lanyard. They are all Oxfam staff.

Humanitarian workers are the backbone of life-saving humanitarian responses. Though the role of a humanitarian worker…

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Oxfam reaction to the Rio de Janeiro G20 Ministerial Declaration on International Tax Cooperation: “this is serious global progress”

July 25, 2024

Responding to the Rio de Janeiro G20 Ministerial Declaration on International Tax Cooperation published today, Oxfam International’s Tax Policy Lead Susana Ruiz, said: “This is serious global progress —for the first time in history, the world’s largest economies have agreed to cooperate to tax the ultra-rich. Finally, the richest people are being told they can’t…

Top 1 percent bags over $40 trillion in new wealth during past decade as taxes on the rich reach historic lows

July 24, 2024

The richest 1 percent have amassed $42 trillion in new wealth over the past decade, nearly 34 times more than the entire bottom 50 percent of the world’s population, according to new analysis by Oxfam today ahead of the third meeting of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The…

Oxfam Calls for Immediate Action to Safeguard Human Rights and Freedom of Speech Amid Quota Reform Protests in Bangladesh

July 24, 2024

We extend our heartfelt condolences to the affected families of the violence which took place during the Quota Reform Protests, which has resulted in tragic deaths and injuries. The protests highlight significant human rights violations. In these challenging times, prioritizing human rights, justice, and equality is essential. Oxfam calls for immediate action to protect the…


July 24, 2024

In reaction to the UN’s 2024 edition of “The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World” (SOFI) report, which showed that one out of 11 people in the world, and one out of every five in Africa, may have faced hunger in 2023, Eric Munoz, Oxfam’s food policy expert, said: “Global hunger remains stuck…

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