Feminist Scorecard 2019

Feminist Scorecard 2019 is part of an Oxfam Canada annual series. It assesses the steps that the federal government has taken over the past year to make progress on women’s rights and gender equality. The scorecard focuses on 8 policy areas. Each area is rated using a traffic light range. Click on each to learn more.

Scorecard Legend

Representation & Leadership

The government continues to be a staunch advocate for women’s leadership and inclusion. In 2018 it created the Department for Women and Gender Equality and doubled federal funding for the Canadian women’s movement.
Woman with a megaphone speaks to a crowd about Ebola prevention

significant progress

Global Development

Canada continues to show global leadership through its Feminist International Assistance Policy, its funding for sexual and reproductive health and rights, and its support for women’s rights organizations in developing countries.

A woman's hands as she is crafting something

significant progress

Climate Change & Extractives

Accomplishments such as putting a price on carbon emissions were counteracted by billions in spending to expand fossil fuel infrastructure. The government has still not appointed an ombudsperson for business and human rights.

A boy working in a river field in Bangladesh at sunrise

some progress

Care Work

The government has made some incremental progress, but much greater investments are needed to move toward a child care system that is truly accessible for all families in Canada.

A woman and her child doing laundry

some progress

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Gender-Based Violence

The government has made good progress, but women who experience violence still do not all have the same access to services across Canada. Allegations of forced sterilizations of Indigenous women have been brought to light.

Three women holding up their fists

some progress


The government made real progress by enshrining gender budgeting in law. It should now review the tax system to find a better balance between personal and corporate taxes, close tax loopholes, and get rid of regressive income tax measures.

A young woman holding a blue tax envelope

some progress

Jobs & Pay Equity

The government made real progress by enshrining pay equity in law. More is still needed to ensure women everywhere in Canada have access to decent work and living wages.

A smiling woman working in a field

some progress

Conflict & Crisis

Canada has solidified its reputation as a leader on women, peace and security, and has invested in gender-responsive humanitarian action. It should ensure that Canada’s trade and defence policies do not undermine progress in peacebuilding.

Women in an orange headscarf and her sun standing in front of their shelter in Bangladesh

some progress

Read Oxfam’s Full Feminist 2019 Scorecard

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