In 2019-2020, you helped us work toward a just and sustainable world where everyone can safely speak truth to power, claim their rights and build a better future for themselves.
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Together, we tackled inequality and promoted women’s rights around the world.
It is the collective power of our supporters across Canada that propels our work forward – our Board Chair and Interim Executive Director explain how.
Our Approach
Oxfam Canada is one of 20 organizations worldwide that make up Oxfam International. We work together in more than 90 countries to fight inequality and support people to claim their rights. We believe that ending global poverty begins with women's rights.
When disaster strikes or conflict breaks out, we provide emergency aid. Together with communities, we save and rebuild lives after disasters and support the needs of refugees around the world.
We support projects that help people assert their rights and build better lives for themselves and for others.
We work to change the laws and practices that keep people trapped in poverty and perpetuate inequality.
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Our Guiding Principles
We put women's rights at the centre of everything we do. Whether we're delivering emergency aid to survivors of natural disasters or providing women the tools to escape poverty, women's rights must be emphasized if positive change is to be lasting and sustainable.
We challenge the policies, systems and institutions that trap people in poverty in Canada and around the world through advocacy and campaigning.
We consult our partners, women's rights organizations and the people we work with to learn from them. And we make sure people’s voices are heard by those who need to act.
We gather evidence and share our learning and research with other aid agencies, governments, local organizations and the public to show what works and what needs to change.
We work with others to combat poverty at every level. Together with women's rights organizations and partners on the ground, we foster innovative solutions that transform communities for the long term.
Poverty is not just about money - it's about systems. We challenge the systems that make people poor-systems of injustice and discrimination based on gender, class, race, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation and expression, ability, citizen status, education and other identities.
Reach and scale 2019-2020
Together, the Oxfam Confederation reached 19.4 million in our programs worldwide in 2019-2020.
Latin American & The Caribbean
West Africa
Horn, East & Central Africa
Southern Africa
Middle East & North Africa
People we worked with
Women & girls
People we worked with
Women & girls
People we worked with
Women & girls
People we worked with
Women & girls
People we worked with
Women & girls
People we worked with
Women & girls
People we worked with
Women & girls
See how your support changed lives in 2019-2020.
Ending Violence Against Women and Girls
Violence against women and girls is a major cause of death, poor health and disability around the world. It also stops women and girls from escaping poverty. It limits their control over their own bodies. It holds them back from school, from work, from community life. Every woman should be able to live free from violence, regardless of her age, race, social or economic status.
This year, thanks to advocacy through our Creating Spaces program, the Girls Not Brides Act was put forward in the Philippines to outlaw marriage below the age of 19.
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
Sexual and reproductive health is at the heart of the most important decisions a woman makes: if and when to marry. How long to stay in school. How many children to have. When women can make informed choices about their bodies, they can make better choices for their families, their education, their livelihoods and their happiness.
This year, we scaled up our Her Future Her choice program and our Sexual Health and Empowerment program reached nearly 13,000 people in the Philippines with awareness and mobilization activities. Thanks to advocacy efforts by Oxfam and allies, the Government of Canada announced an annual commitment of $1.4 billion to global health programming, $700 million per year of which will go to sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Women’s Economic Justice
Around the world, women perform the worst work, earn less than men, do more unpaid work and bear the brunt of the widening wealth gap. When a woman is paid a fair and living wage and works in safe and decent working conditions, she has the power to lift herself out of poverty.
This year, our Securing Rights program provided 479 women domestic workers in Bangladesh with the tools and information to find and keep decent work while advocating for their rights.
Gender in Emergencies
Disasters like tsunamis, earthquakes and droughts, as well as conflict and war, and the current pandemic, put millions in urgent need of clean water, soap, food and shelter. The crises caused by these events also threaten women's safety and health in unique ways. In emergencies, we meet urgent needs to save lives, but also look at long-term solutions for women's livelihoods, health, safety and leadership.
Emergency response efforts delivered by Oxfam in 2019-2020 reached 13.5 million people across the globe. Meanwhile, 12,429 signatures were delivered to the Minister of Foreign Affairs here in Canada calling for an end to the Saudi Arms Deal.
Everywhere on the planet, women are far more likely than men to be poor and powerless. The research is clear: when women exercise their rights, our world is better. It's less poor, more peaceful and more just. It's a better place for everyone. Supporting women to be leaders is the key to ending poverty.
This year we launched two new programs that provide capacity strengthening and direct financial support to women’s organizations toward this goal.